Administration and Faculty

Executive Officers

Paul R. Carter
Danny Hill
Vice President
Michael Reese

Lynn Baxter, Th.B., Th.M., Th.D.

Missionary Baptist Seminary Th.B., Th.M.

Central Arkansas Baptist Theological Seminary Th.D.

Larry Campbell, B.B.S., M.Div.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute Th.B., M.Div

Central Arkansas Baptist Theological Seminary D.Min. Candidate

Tyler Campbell, B.Apol., B.B.S., Th.B.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute B.Apol., B.B.S., Th.B.

Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary M.T.S Candidate

Paul R. Carter, B.A., B. S., M.A., M.Div., Th.M., D.Hum., D.Min., Th.D., Ph.D.

American Bible College and Seminary D.Min.

Andersonville Baptist Theological Seminary M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D.

Atlantic Baptist University B.A., M.A.

Atlantic Baptist Theological Seminary   Th.D.

Great Plains Baptist College and Graduate School, D.Hum.

Louisiana Baptist University B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Northwest Alabama Baptist Theological Seminary Th.D.

Luther Rice Seminary M.Div.

Temple Baptist Theological Seminary D.Min.


Lynn Cole, B.Ed. M.Ed.

Henderson State University B.Ed.

University of Arkansas Little Rock M.Ed.

Shane Harrington, B.Apol., Th.B.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute

Donny Haynes, Th.B., Th.M.

Missionary Baptist Seminary, Th.B.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute, Th.M.

Central Arkansas Baptist Theological Seminary, Th.D., Candidate

Maxie Haynes, Th.B. , M.Div., Th.M. D.Min.

Louisiana Missionary Baptist Seminary Th.B., Th.M.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute M.Div., D.Min.

Randy Hester, Th.B., B.B.L., Th.M., M.B.L.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute

Danny Hill, B.B.L, M.B.L., D.B.L.

Missionary Baptist Seminary B.B.L.

Northwest Alabama Baptist Institute M.B.L.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Theological Seminary D.B.L.

Robbie Horne, Th.B., Th.M., Th.D.

Missionary Baptist Seminary Th.B., Th.M.

Central Arkansas Baptist Theological Seminary, ThD.

Bryan McDade, B.A. History, M.A. Public History, M.Div.

Henderson State University B.A. History

University of Arkansas at Little Rock M.A. Public History Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute M.Div.

Karen Reese, A.A.

Angelina Community College

Michael Reese, Th.B., M.B.L., D.B.L

Louisiana Missionary Baptist Institute and Seminary B.B.L., M.B.L.
Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute M.B.L., D.B.L. 

Carl Richey, Th.B.

Missionary Baptist Seminary Th.B.


Keith Rowton, Th.B., B.B.L, M.B.L., D.B.L.

Missionary Baptist Seminary

Donis Smead, B.S. Mathematics Ed., M.Ed., M.Div., Th.M.

Southern Arkansas University  B.S. Mathematics Education

Arkansas State University M.Ed., Educational Leadership

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute M.Div., Th.M

Joe Bob Smith,  A.B., Th.B., Th.M.

Missionary Baptist Seminary A.B., Th.B.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute, Th.M., Th.D. Candidate

David S. Standridge, Th.B., B.B.L., B.A. Chemistry,  M.B.L, Th.M.

Missionary Baptist Seminary B.B.L., Th.B., M.B.L.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock B.A. Chemistry
Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute Th.M., Th.D. Candidate

Daniel Ward, Th.B., B.Apol.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute

Gordon Wells, B.A. Music Education

Arkansas Tech University

Toby Wilson, B.S., M.Div.

Henderson State University B.S.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute, M.Div., D.Min. Candidate

Terry D. Williams, Th.B., Th.M.

Louisiana Missionary Baptist Seminary Th.B.

Central Arkansas Baptist Bible Institute Th.M.